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Remember me


Patient-family teams involving caregivers and clinicians drive optimal results. We enable them.


Discipline and accountability lower costs and improve outcomes. Our platforms facilitate these.


Collaboration is at the heart of better health and wellness. Our tools enable this to happen.


Our Version 10platform is HIPAA compliant and optimized for healthcare organizations' needs.

We enable collective impact-type initiatives

We provide healthcare organizations, NGOs, non-profits and commercial enterprises with an open technology platform and pre-formed partnerships for them to accomplish collaborative-type missions. We achieve this by connecting all forms of stakeholders in clinical and non-clinical ways.

Some representative deployments:

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Soweto Health: A collaboration of local non-profits, the Chris Hani Hospital (the world's 3rd largest) and Stanford's Center for Innovation in Global Health to innovate around palliative and cancer care. Read Overview or Contact Us for the NIH proposal.

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Autism Village: The brainchild of an entrepreneur and marketing executive with a child on the spectrum. Its private support areas and mobile app to crowd source information aims to support this important community.

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Epione: A concierge approach to improve outcomes for acute care conditions, initially focusing on prostate cancer. It provides individuals with a patient-controlled EHR, AI, and MD guidance allowing for more effectiveness with specialists

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A Better Africa: This ecosystem connects a broad group of government, business, academic, educational and economic development agency stakeholders that are focused on improving African schools.

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Alaafiami: Our newest partnership based in Nigeria, the name means "my health." Championed by a native Nigerian who's the head of pathology at a major US teaching hospital as a way to give back.

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Learn a bit about what's in our upcoming release in our blog HERE

Agility required & possible

"Agile development" is a common phrase in business today. Our platform, developed over a decade, allows organizations to work in rapid sprints to bring up solutions and then continue to morph them over time.

Mobile can be critical

A native mobile app that leverages the phone's firmware and other apps is critical in many situations. Building high functionality, secure apps is made easy through a robust APIs and our open code library of already developed capabilities.

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